The Ultimate Promotion Guide : Consideration

Taking a brand into consideration has always been one of the most integral stages in a customer’s journey. This is where a brand is categorized as either worthy or not. Various scenarios are portrayed in which the individuals’ needs are triggered. It happens during the moment when you educate a customer. At this point, the customer begins to find various reasons for buying the product.
Many times the need for a brand isn’t a priority to a customer. If you don’t buy sunscreen, your skin will not shred and if you’ll not grab an energy drink, your body will still function. But somehow, down the line, people find these brands and their products regular, routine, and important. Here, consideration does its job in the concept of triggering the need. Basically, it is the stage at which a user “considers” the brand to be useful in its life and plans to jump to the next level i.e, knowing deeply about the brand.
As you delve into this, you will observe that a customer’s mindset is intuitive and knowledge-seeking. They will connect with the product they find emotionally compelling. Afterwards, they tend to seek further information through websites, e-marketplaces, offline stores visits, friends’ recommendations, and product reviews. At every step on the way, buyers prefer to calculate, compare, and negotiate inside their heads. Here, private labels or brands can take advantage of the consumer’s search to find a suitable product. These brands can implement strategies which can make the customer’s journey easier and faster. Moving forward, the brands can push the buyer in the consideration stage with the help of content. To make this happen, the labels need to step up with the best content strategies to reach the mass and hit the nail by influencing potential buyers. A good piece of content can turn the vibe of the audience to your advantage. 

Content is the first strategy to get the customers right. The second is setting goals. So, continue reading for perfect goal setting and fine-tuned strategies for a hands-down win. 


Before rushing to apply crazy promotion strategies, it is crucial to determine some elements. For most brands, the consideration stage consists of building trust via positioning and understanding what consideration really means for them. This eases their road during the entire process.

Building trust

In order to create highly influencing strategies, building trust should be a top priority. When establishing trust, a brand should position itself as the most reliable option among its competitors. This is accomplished by communicating both emotionally and practically. Embracing that the 21st-century buyer’s are smart, a brand understands that buyers will scratch more than the surface to get to know a product and its side effects. Hence, it pays to be transparent with product specifics – it is crucial for a customer. As a result, the one that impresses the audience by being practical and straightforward, wins.
Next is associating emotions with the attributes and purpose of the brand. Let’s take an example to understand better. A notebook ad showcasing how each page belongs to every kid, not specific to any poor or rich. In this case, the brand tried to connect with the customer on a sentimental level. We would call it a masterstroke. These strategies of trust development ultimately bring a customer to think about the brand.

Consideration for you

The parameters of consideration differ from one brand to another. These parameters vary as consideration isn’t only measured by what the customer thinks, it also covers their actions. For an e-commerce brand “add to cart” or “save for later” is a consideration from a buyer, and accordingly, “sign-up” would be the same for a publication brand. Similarly, for an offline cosmetic store, visiting the location followed by a pamphlet handover earlier is a consideration. Thus, every brand here needs to micro-detect the move that they term as consideration. Pairing the consideration parameters with real time metrics offers additional insight into the journey. When you keep a track of all the “add to carts,” “sign-up” then monitoring the progress becomes a low hanging fruit. Once this is done, putting  strategies to work gets much easier where your promotion would be specific. 

How does the legend do it?

Dominos pulled a huge customer base by making a classic move. In Russia, the concept of meaty pizzas was strange to people. The country, unknown to Latin America’s fancies, was skeptical about giving it a try. However, even though consumers were aware of the existence of such a treat, they were reluctant to try it. To take the customer’s journey ahead, Dominos opted for a consideration strategy. With an aim to make people take a step ahead and act in favor of the brand, Dominoes offered 100 years of free pizzas in exchange for a tattoo. Yes! People had to get a tattoo of the brand’s logo, and the offer was limited to a few people as the brand didn’t expect the consideration or trigger to have as such. This promotion was crafted to run for 60 days but was called off in four days as more than 300 people went to ink up. The reason for them to get the blue and red logo inked had to do with their monetary needs too. This move triggered the emotions of people who couldn’t taste the much trending pizzerias due to their low disposable incomes. This promotion strategy got Dominos some loyal customers and many others who searched the brand online, through social media, or went in-store.

Free Sampling

In the above example, Dominos created a trend followed by thousands, and now, it dominates more than 100 restaurants in Moscow. The technique this pizza giant followed was an offer for free sampling. Through this, the customers were motivated to know more about the brand by going on their website. Once they reached there, they came to know about the brand which brought them closer towards it. Since there was no monetary exchange associated in this consideration strategy, here brand-seller engagement was created very flexibly. This technique educates a customer by practically handing over the tangible product which creates a sense of trust during the consideration process.


As a technique, webinars are proven to be one of the moves to help the audience think deeper about a brand. In a webinar, when a brand communicates with a mass, customers tend to get attracted by the personalization. Here, the customers sense a feel of personalization because the webinars are designed with an enriching content which clearly addresses the need of a customer. Throughout this educational engagement, customers tend to relate more with the speaker as he indirectly gets an authority as an addresser to the mass.
Have you ever gone to a counselling session? These sessions are designed in a way which underlines your problems and provides a solution for it. In the end, you get out of the counselling room satisfied. A webinar leaves the same impact to its audience.

Email Marketing

Imagine you’re thinking about ordering food, but you aren’t sure what delivery application to use. After a vibration, an e-mail from Ubereats buzzed on your mobile phone urging you to try the service for the first time. A hundred dollars says two out of five people will go for it. As you can see, 40% of consideration comes from email marketing. E-mails and interesting push notifications are useful in a marketing tunnel. They give customers a push towards considering a brand more.
Another example could be Amazon, which heavily relies on email for soft selling and promotion. Whether for sign-ups or asking customers to complete their journey from “add to cart”, email marketing is a personalized approach that has a marvelous outcome ratio.


One technique that consistently demands effort in words but also adds value is a blog. Many customers who have a habit of reading descriptive information get inclined to a brand through their blogs. A lot of times to boost the visibility and make customers think deeply about the brand, their blogs play a huge role. A fashion apparel brand publishing “20 ways to dress in summer” and attaching a link to all the dresses will definitely earn an action from a customer.
It has been evident that a customer’s engagement can vary from 3 seconds to staying on a blog page upto 5 minutes. This all depends on how the brands have presented themselves and communicated to get a consideration.

Wrapping up

Each stage of the buyer’s journey and marketing tunnel recites the behavior of a customer. Once a brand can understand the clues, achieving targets becomes way simpler. This requires a brand to maintain a balance between promoting and not being pushy. Unfortunately, most of the brands fail to do so. They get easily scared when they see only a few buyers acting upon their engagement setup. To not let the effort go to waste, some brands push the promotion to be aggressive which ends up looking forceful. Thus, to get reliable results, it’s best to bring in an expert. They design the strategies in such a way that the promotion looks educational, and a solution to their needs is triggered.
So, amongst the above techniques, which one do you think will work the best? Well, that’s just a teaser. For brands looking to promote and achieve success at every stage of the customer journey, it is imperative they contact us for the best marketing solutions.




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